About Hypnosis
What is Direct Suggestion Gentle Hypnosis / Healing Regression Hypnotherapy?
“I was a calm and confident person until I became plagued with panic attacks. I was given 2 medications by my doctor, but it didn’t make the uncomfortable feelings go away. I avoided places, especially new ones. Then I began working with Mike Maiocco. Through hypno-therapy, I discovered the source of my attacks and took control of my life again”
“Mike has made a wonderful difference in my life. Iʼve been stuck in a rut for years and with age regression. I now understand the core of my problems. We released a lot of emotions and feelings and now Iʼve moved on to enjoy life.
If you are thinking about Gentle Hypnosis and Healing Regression Hypnotherapy to improve your life, you have come to the right place. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are possibly the most powerful and effective methods for creating life-enhancing changes known to mankind. However, most people have misconceptions and do not have an accurate understanding of either,allow me to explain.
Hypnosis is the shift from the thinking mind to the feeling mind. It is also a natural state of consciousness. A state of relaxation and or a level of concentration that the average individual reaches daily such as being absorbed in something or daydreaming. You are not asleep when you are in hypnosis. Your awareness, mental, and emotional abilities are heightened and focused during the hypnotherapy session. You will be able to talk and listen, tell me your feelings and ask questions during the session. There is a misconception that hypnosis produces a numbing trance that overpowers a person – that is not the case. You can hear sounds, move around to get comfortable, scratch an itch. Although you may become very excited or very relaxed, you are always in control. This is so important to know, you are always, ultimately in control. Healing Regression Hypnotherapy sessions need your interaction and your keen participation to create the changes and success you want.
Types of Gentle Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis
Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis is the traditional way and the most common form of hypnosis today. That is when I guide you into a very relaxed state using suggestions and affirmations directed at the changes you desire. Words and images can be embedded deep into your subconscious mind in ways best suited for you. This form of Hypnosis produces great results with weight loss, smoking cessation, athletic performance, self-confidence, stress and other issues. Although Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis is very effective, sometimes there are subconscious blocks that must be properly identified, acknowledged, and cleared before positive changes can occur. A persons subconscious mind “anchors” to a particular behavior or perception that is so deeply rooted that even the deepest relaxation, suggestions and affirmations are either ineffective of only effective for a short time. For those clients I would add Healing Regression Hypnotherapy combined with Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis.
I record the Direct Suggestion Hypnosis portion of your session on your IPod or a CD while you are being hypnotized. At the end of the session you receive this recording to take home with you and the more you listen to this recording the faster you will see results. The key to transformation is repetition. The more you see/hear/experience your goals, the more they become real for you. Listen only in a comfortable and relaxed state. You can even put the recording on at night and fall asleep to it Itʼs that easy! (Never listen while driving or doing any activity other than relaxing).
“I really like the CD you made for me I’m amazed at all the important issues you covered and the perfect wording in the suggestions The messages really resonate with me I haven’t found the need to do much tapping this week but am glad that it is mentioned on the CD so I don’t forget to use it as a tool”
Healing Regression Hypnotherapy
If you can feel it, you can heal it.
Although Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis is very effective, sometimes your problem will have subconscious blocks that must be properly identified and cleansed before positive changes can occur. This is where Healing Regression Hypnotherapy can help tremendously. It finds the root cause of the problem so we can release the negative energy or hidden memories
Notice the upside down stack of bricks. This represents how your problem has evolved The brick on the bottom is the first situation in your life which has started the building process. It represents some situation, thought or idea that has occurred in your past which was too painful to deal with at the time. All by itself it does not amount to much, however given the right circumstances and enough reinforcement in subsequent days, months and years (represented by the next three layers of bricks) it can develop into some troublesome symptoms (the top layer of bricks). This is where you currently are with this issue, although you may not realize it as it may be shrouded among many other pyramids you have constructed over the years. Each brick on the top layer could represent a different symptom. Some common symptoms are compulsive eating, low self- esteem, insecurity, headaches, drug abuse, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic illnesses, etc.
Through Healing Regression Hypnotherapy, we can find and thoroughly cleanse the root experience (first brick) and the major secondary experiences (next 3 layers of bricks) of these old feelings and perceptions in order to remove the bricks. This will result in minimal to zero resistance allowing Direct Suggestion Hypnotherapy to take hold in the subconscious mind and allow you to make the positive changes on all levels.
Allow me to add some additional thoughts In our childhood we tend to accept various beliefs without judgment because we don’t yet have enough experiences to compare it to. Unfortunately, these beliefs may have created a negative perception of who we are especially if they were reinforced in a life in which parents, teachers, or other kids in school made us feel less than good enough, too fat, too skinny, unattractive or any other negative beliefs that we may carry in our life today.
As you read this, you may even be remembering times when you were teased, embarrassed or punished causing you to notice some uncomfortable feelings within you. These feelings let you know that certain memories are still living inside of you and are subconsciously preventing you from overcoming your blocks. These memories and the feelings attached to them are called emotional anchors. These anchors may consciously show themselves in situations when you feel stressed, leaving you with thoughts of inadequacy, despite knowing consciously that as an adult you are more than capable.
By now, you may be noticing a conflict between what you think (the conscious mind) and how you feel (the subconscious mind). As I mentioned earlier, if you could think your problems away then you would already be feeling better. Unfortunately, the subconscious emotional anchors are prevailing, leaving you with blocked feelings.
Through the use of Healing Regression Hypnotherapy I can help you uncover the deep subconscious blocks and release the negative energies at their core. After overcoming these blocks, your conscious and subconscious mind will be fertile ground for planting new positive suggestions and affirmations for change. By bringing up and releasing the negative feelings a new feeling and positive perception can replace the negative feelings.
Mind Model
One more step in the understanding of how Hypnosis works is the Mind Model below:
The Iceberg represents the mind model. Above the water line is about 10% of the total Iceberg. Below the water line is the remaining 90%. Our mind has two major components The Conscious Mind (CM) is the Thinking mind (10% – the top of the Iceberg) and the Subconscious Mind (SCM) is the Feeling mind (90% – below the water line of the Iceberg)
The conscious part of the mind is limited, only capable of holding small bits of information at one particular moment It is analytical and rational and is responsible for accessing short term memory.
The power of the Subconscious Mind is truly awesome. It not only houses our emotional energy but our long term memory as well. It is the core of how we experience ourselves and the world. It is the part of us that has been described as the permanent memory box. It is like a computer that holds thousands and thousands of bits of information of your entire life. It holds every relationship, event, scene, situation, perception in your life. It is the core of how we experience ourselves in the world.
The major thing to remember is the SCM is not analytical or practical. It is an emotional, feeling, habitual mind. It works through association.
Before the age of five a child takes things literally. If a small child is frequently told they are stupid that creates a negative impression in the subconscious. Said enough and a child will grow up feeling stupid and then act that way. Our core belief systems are formed at a very early age. Our SCM will protect those belief systems and our personal definitions. We behave based on what we think of ourselves. The SCM will then form the belief system and seeks the truth based on those beliefs. If you do not live within these beliefs the SCM will in one way or another find a way for you to feel uncomfortable. Since the SCM “speaks” through the body you will experience negative sensations and feelings.
What effect do FEELINGS have on our behavior?
- If you have a FEELING long enough you will have a PERCEPTION
- If you have a PERCEPTION long enough you will have a BELIEF
- If you have a BELIEF long enough you will have a BEHAVIOR
- If you have a BEHAVIOR long enough you will have a REALITy
I use several techniques that work on releasing negative feelings and energy:
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments. In a nutshell EFT explains that we have lines of energy flowing through our body in certain directions and when these energies are flowing in natural harmony then we are healthy, feel good and whole. However, if there are memories or issues causing negative thoughts or feelings these lines of energy become tangled or obstructed. This will eventually result in an imbalance in the energy fields thus creating physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual disease. We perform meridian tapping without the invasiveness of needles. We use a simple tapping technique with the fingertips to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the hand, head, and chest. A combination of tapping the energy meridians using affirmations while your feeling the negative emotions help to clear the emotional block or “short-circuit”. The negative feelings / emotions are then released. EFT is very easy to learn and will help you:
- Remove negative emotions – fears / phobias / anxiety
- Reduce food cravings and eat less
- Reduce or eliminate pain
- Implement positive goals
EFT respects the memory but addresses the true cause a disruption in the bodyʼs energy system EFT Discovery Statement. The cause of all negative emotions or feelings is a disruption in the bodyʼs energy system.
Using a pillow to facilitate cathartic release has been around for decades and probably started when the first primate hit the ground in anger. Some people are reluctant to “hit” the pillow but are able to release negative energy by bringing the energy down to their hands and release it into the pillow with as much force as they feel is appropriate. This act promotes amazing healing changes and a wonderful release of negative energy.
Some clients prefer to release negative feelings and energy by moving the body. Sometimes the arms, the legs or the trunk. It varies but is very effective.
Diaphoretic breathing is also very effective in the release of negative energy.
Whatʼs Right For You?
During our phone conference or at our first session we will discuss your challenges, goals and any questions you may have. My goal is to be sure you understand the Hypnosis process, and are comfortable with the direction we choose together. Often I will use both Gentle Direct Suggestion and Healing Regression Hypnotherapy techniques together with EFT.
I am dedicated to help you get control back in your life and experience joy and happiness. Together we will explore your conscious and subconscious mind to find the blocks and release the negative energy so you can heal.
I will also give you the tools to work on your own and learn and apply the Law of Attraction so you can practice this powerful law every day.
I’m here to help you heal what hurts, to find the path you lost, the person you were or long to be, and to help you get the life and the health you really want.
If you have made the decision, to take care of yourself, to change what has changed in you, I can show you the way Remember, it’s never too late to get the life you really want!
For a free consultation with Mike: CLICK HERE
“US Olympic athletes use hypnosis to win” – Detroit Free Press
“About the mind/body connection, hypnotherapy provides a tool to document it Hypnotherapy helps patients tap their bodies’ own power to heal, and relieve pain” – US News and World Report
“Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body” – The Wall Street Journal (October 7th, 2003)
“The greatest success in providing lasting change occurred with Hypnosis (93% recovery), followed by behavior therapy (72% recovery), and then psychotherapy (38% recovery)” – (Volume 7, Number 1, Alfred A Barrios,PhD) Psychotherapy Magazine
What is a Life and Wellness Coach?
A life coach is a partner who uses the power of commitment while removing obstacles and limiting belief systems to help you achieve your goals. I help you create a vision, a clear picture of what you want. The ultimate goal is to enable you to achieve beneficial and measurable results in all areas of your life including business, career, health, relationships and wealth. To find balance and personal growth.
My style will be adjusted to meet your needs. At times I advise, encourage, hold accountable, challenge, praise or simply listen. The end goal is positive results or outcomes all based on your beliefs, values, circumstance and time line. When this is achieved you will find joy, happiness, health and success in your life.
What else can a Life Coach do for me?
As a professionally trained life coach I will help bring self-awareness to all aspects of your life. By broadening your perspective on possibilities, you can face the challenges that have created blocks in your life. I will assist you in exploring a situation more fully in order to evoke fresh insight.
You will be provided with a safe and confidential environment that will lead to trust and authentic communications that are in alignment with your true values leading you to realistic choices and practicing new habits beyond the status quo.
Life Coaching is about starting where you are and knowing you already have everything you need to create your life as you want it to be. If you are willing, I will assist you in developing the skills to change limiting beliefs, uncover a new zest and passion for living and redirect your energy in the path of your dreams.
Imagine the smile growing across your face the moment you become clear about what you really want in life. Experience the feeling of excitement when the belief in yourself and your vision is unwavering. Feel the joy as you realize you are now living the dream you created.
I am your partner to help you realize your full potential!
Who can benefit from a life coach?
Take a look at your life right now, what parts are you happy with? We will work to keep them right where they are. Other aspects of your life may not be as good, in that case we will look to make adjustments for improvements. Once you have a fresh perspective and an invigorated plan those changes will be made so you can find balance, joy and happiness in your life.
Below you will get an idea of the categories that can be influenced by a Life Coach:
- Understand and handle stress using deep relaxation and mental imagery to promote health and feel in control of your life
- Loose weight not by dieting but using the benefit of the mind – body connection
- Exercise by motivation and a realistic plan
- Let go of the past to improve health and understanding
- Stop unwanted habits
- Acquire undisturbed sleep
- Reduce or liminate chronic pain
- Create a better work-life balance and lifestyle to feel great
- Unleash that creative potential that now lies dormant inside you
- Provide help if you are facing transition in your life that effect relationships, (eg – divorce, empty nest, retirement, break up)
- Work on overall concerns about your relationships
- Increase the love, respect, and support in your relationships
- Overcome personal barriers and reduce conflict with others
- Be happier and experience greater personal fulfillment
- Help increase self-esteem and reduce the power or control others have over you
- Reduce concerns about your finances
- Bring abundance into your life using the principles from the Law of Attraction
- Establish a budget
- Help you determine the direction of your life
- Do you feel lost or stuck in a rut? We will explore why
- Do you feel your life is a bit out of control? Letʼs get it back
- Let go of old unwanted habits
- Unleash that creative potential you know you have
- Feel frustrated with your current career progress or situation
- Identify or find a new job or a more rewarding career
- Start or grow a business or achieve more business success
- Dealing with work place issues or concerns
What does a coaching session look like?
Coaching sessions are usually sixty minutes long and are done on the phone or on SKYPE. Occasionally in person. Each session is specifically catered towards your personal needs and goals. The initial session will be ninety minutes so I can have a clear understanding of your journey. From there I will work with you to put a plan in place that will allow you to move toward your desired goals. I will use strategic questions and activities to help you determine where you want to go and what obstacles are prohibiting you from getting there. If you so desire, I will become your accountability in meeting the goals you set I may ask you to journal or give you some other homework assignment in between sessions. Such assignments are designed to provide you with an opportunity to clarify your own thoughts before our next meeting. Truthfully, there is no “typical” session. You will determine the course of our times together.
I will also give you e-mail support answering questions between sessions. You are free to decide how often you would like to meet for coaching sessions. Most choose about every 10 days or three times a month.
How much does it cost?
I offer various coaching packages letʼs talk and see what works for your time and budget.
Are you ready to…
- Gain control of your life?
- Make a change?
- Create and have a clear vision of where you want your life to be?
- Define your goals to reflect your values and interests?
- Commit to a step by step program and be held accountable for your actions?
- Live a life designed and implemented by you?
- Find the Joy and Happiness that have been missing in your life?
If you answered yes…
(even to one of these), as your Life Coach I will…
- Help you discover whatʼs really most important to you in your life.
- Help you design a plan to achieve those things.
- Work with you to eliminate any obstacles or blocks that stand in your way.
- Partner with you all the way to success.
- Celebrate with you every step of the way!
It would be an honor to work with you as your Life and Wellness Coach. I will use all of my knowledge, skills and years of experience as a Hypnotherapist, Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Consultant, Business Leader and friend.
The next step is yours Take a chance, pick up the phone or send me an e-mail to talk about it. The consultation is free so satisfy your curiosity and determine if life coaching is right for you.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler” – Henry David Thoreau
For a free consultation: CLICK HERE
Call: 910-742-3100
Email: bodymindfit@me.com

Life and Wellness Coach
For a free phone consultation call 910-742-3100
e-mail – bodymindfit@me.com
I started my Body-Mind connection studies in the early 1980ʼs when I suddenly began to feel anxiety for no apparent reason. It started to restrict my everyday activities and I knew I needed to find the answers. I started searching and found Silva Mind Development, so I took the course I learned I could control my physiology, my breathing and thoughts. I was so impressed with the information I studied and earned a certification to teach a much shorter Relaxation Seminar. Many years later I started to practice Hypnosis and finally learned the root cause of my fears. Using regression hypnotherapy I released the emotions and energy around those events that caused the subconscious to develop a belief system that “protected me” against certain things. Once released the fears and anxiety disappeared.
I have successfully helped folks face their fears in regression, gently release the negative energy embedded in them and return to happy productive lives. Along with Healing Regression Hypnotherapy I use Gentle Direct Suggestion Hypnosis for weight loss, smoking cessation, athletic performance, self confidence, stress and other issues. I record the Direct Suggestion Hypnosis portion of your session on your IPod or a CD while you are being hypnotized. At the end of the session you receive this recording to take home with you and the more you listen to this recording the faster you will see results. The key to transformation is repetition. The more you see/hear/experience your goals, the more they become real for you. Listen only in a comfortable, relaxed state. You can even put the recording on at night and fall asleep to it. Itʼs that easy! (Never listen while driving or doing any activity other than relaxing).
I am certified through The National Association of Trans-personal Hypnotherapist (NATH) and earned a Masters certification for advanced regression studies. I am a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and continue to pursue ongoing studies in Hypnosis, EFT and NLP.
Having a fitness training background I treat the whole individual – Body – Mind and Spirit. I integrate both traditional and holistic approaches to my practice.
I have been presenting Stress Management, Guided Meditation and Relaxation Workshops for many years and I’m available for group and corporate training and workshops.
Life and Wellness Coaching
I have added Life and Wellness coaching to my services. This is a wonderful experience that will help you reach your goals. I use all my knowledge and experience from the following:
- Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy background
- EFT (meridian tapping) and NLP training
- Personal training and exercise
- Weight loss and Hypno-Band
Business experience including negotiations, HR, sales management, interviewing and much more.
Learn more about this service by clicking the following link: Life Coaching
I am passionate about what I do and would love to work with you to be your guide as you change your life and exceed your goals. I will always respect your time and money and teach you to work on yourself as we follow the path together.
“I was amazed to discover how comfortable hypnotherapy is. I was tentative at the first session but it was wonderful. Mike is so skilled at creating a non-threatening approach and really worked with me during some tough times. I am now moving forward with confidence.”
“Your session was truly different and significantly better than the other experience I had with hypnosis. I look forward to our next session. Thank you again for the work you do.”
For a free phone consultation with Mike: CLICK HERE
Call: 910-742-3100
Email: bodymindfit@me.com